How to Teach Your Dog to Fetch

Many dogs will happily chase the toy you throw, but they might not be a fan of bringing it back. On the other hand, some dogs are not at all interested in fetching! So, if your dog gives you a hard time by not picking the idea of fetch, I am here to help!
If you start practicing these valuable ways to teach your dog to fetch, your dog will eventually figure it out. But, on the bright side, you may be surprised to see your dog turning into a fetch fanatic!
Here are five tried and tested tips to make your dog fetch fan,

Choose a Fetch Toy That Your Dog Likes
Choosing a fetch toy for your dog (that he likes the most) is a crucial step. Trust me; your dog isn’t going to chase something that he doesn’t even like. So, please give it a thought and choose the best fetching toy for your dog to play with.
It doesn’t really matter if it’s a frisbee, plush toy, or tennis ball or your dog’s favorite natural rubber pet toy. Your only concern should be finding something your fur baby is going to love.
The more excited he will be about the toy, the easier it will be for you to train him!

Start with Make Your Dog Chase the Toy
If your dog isn’t jolly enough and enjoys his time sitting and staring, I understand your concern. Start by teaching him to chase. Give him little treats whenever he goes after the toy to fetch. It works wonders. Repeat this practice for a while until you see him chasing and bringing the toy with full energy!
Gradually, start eliminating treats from the game to make sure he isn’t doing it just for treats.

Add Extra Motivation
Want some more energy from your dog in chasing? Try holding him back after throwing the toy away. It’s dog psychology, wanting to do things that they are told not to. Isn’t that right? Well, let’s make your canine friend fall for it. When you try to hold him back, he will naturally tug against you for chasing the toy.
Once you finally let go of him, he will dramatically chase after the toy. And yes, it’s a win-win!
Make Him Bring Back the Toy
After you successfully make your dog chase his favorite toy, now is the time to teach him to bring the toy back. Well, there are a lot of options to cope with this challenge.
If your dog is being naughty and not bringing the toy back, show him the second toy. After he sees it, he throws the toy away in the opposite direction.
Try to call your dog while holding the second you and ask him to let go of it. Then, show him the second toy, and he will absolutely drop the first one.
Repeat the process for a while, and he will eventually learn to drop the toy.

Wrapping Up!
Don’t rush your dog into learning how to fetch. Cut him some slack! He will gradually learn if you stay patient and consistent. Follow these steps for a few weeks, and your pup will learn how to fetch quickly!